Monday, February 6, 2012

[personal] a week in the life of...

In light of the Superbowl (the food did not disappoint...ohhh, food coma how I love you), I post-poned my personal weekly blog 'til this morning. But the Monday Blues hit hard today, and the sky is an especially dreary shade of grey today. I'm sipping my earl grey tea (did I mention it's cold already?) and praying for an afternoon pick-me-up.

Let's jump right in, shall we?

stars of the show:

snuggly nephews. nothing's quite as sweet as my one year old falling asleep in my arms as i rock him to sleep. hearing his deep breaths as he snuggles into the crook of my neck. precious moments.
toad the black cat. we rescued him almost a year ago, and he only has one baby tooth on his bottom jaw, so his tongue sticks out all the time. makes him looks so dumb. and lovable. and makes me imagine his voice being like this.

points of interest:

VEGGIE PIZZA. holy cow, i made it for adam and myself to take to the superbowl party, but we ate 4/5 of it before the game even got here on sunday. want the recipe? comment with your e-mail, and i'll gladly share (healthy+ addictive = totally.sold)
disney stamps. even though they aren't my most favoritist (made-up word copyright me) movies, i absolutely love Up! and will only put those stamps on the most sacred of envelopes.

*(Instagram is a free app for iPhones that features various filters that are easy-to-use and make posting to Twitter, Facebook, and ha, my blog, easy-peasy! You can follow me @ bgilsonburnett) P.S. Thank you, Kelly, for sending me your copy of J*'s Exposed are wonderful! :)

Normally, I'd be enjoying this mild of a winter, but I have couples, seniors, and mamas with babies who are desperate for snow pictures. I'd be happy with a snow storm for one whole week, get all the sessions completed, and then turn on the sunshine and 50 degree weather. Pretty please.

I'll be finishing up a few boudoir sessions this week and depending on permission purposes, I'm hoping to blog a sneak collaborative peek this week so all you ladies can see just how fabulous they are.

Happy Monday!

Sidenote: Yes, my tea is still cold. But my spirits after writing about the good things from the past week raised my spirits...even just a tad (my hubby massaging my shoulders while I wrote this might be helping too. Maybe. ;) ).

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