Sunday, January 22, 2012

[personal] a week in the life of...

We've had one of those weeks here in the Burnett household. The ones where you're lucky if you emerge unscathed. Five loads of laundry, 4 Meijer trips, 3 prescriptions, 2 emergency hospital visits, and 1 exhausted couple. This isn't Christmas anymore, Rudolph.

Not to mention dirty house, rescheduled engagement session [thank you, Tracie+Nathan~ you are the best!], and a mess of bills to deal with later. We're weren't the lucky ones this week.

So I did what everyone has to when you're on the edge of a breakdown. You rally. You pull up your big girl panties, tell yourself that only you can change, and you do it. And you pick up your falling pieces along the way.

The best medicine for my personal funk is seasonal-cleaning. Adam and I took down the Christmas tree (I thought the magic could stay until February, but it turns out that the elves take the magic on January 1st.), threw away bags filled with unnecessary paperwork, old magazines, and mementos that would eventually get us on Hoarders. We re-arranged furniture and deep-cleaned the germs away (for a long, LONG time~ we pray.).

I rallied. We rallied.

And we're going to kick this week's bootAYYY.
I can feel it.

stars of the show:

kleenex. napkins. rolls of toilet paper. anything to - you know - help us with the snot.
ingrid michaelson~ oh, hallelujah, girl, thank you for your sweet words when bad turned to worse. it's easier to tackle your to-do list when the only thing on it is to keep breathing.
thunderstorms in january. i fell asleep on the couch believing i was somewhere warmer, somewhere away from all this~ and gratefully listened to the sound of thunder + raindrops.

points of interest:

medicine tin~ absolutely love this thing. this stylish divided pill container helps my crazy seem not so bad.
cemetaries: at the risk of sounding morbid, i really like cemeteries. grief is raw and funerals are difficult, but i find it hard to rival the history of everyday people and the peace i feel in cemeteries compared with other places.

*(Instagram is a free app for iPhones that features various filters that are easy-to-use and make posting to Twitter, Facebook, and ha, my blog, easy-peasy!)

THIS week (Lord-willing, no more sickness or doctor visits), I'll be introducing my new session~ at least, I had better...there'll be three of them already completed by the end of the week!

Happy last full week of Janury! :)

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