But personally? We did rally. And folks, we did indeed kick booty. Bootayyy.
We're talking birthday parties, days with sunshine (oh, hallelujah, thank you, Michigan), special trips to the Holland Peanut Store (candy heaven), orders sent out and lots of animal lovin' from our own babies and some that aren't our own (only because Adam won't let me keep them).
Not to mention the biggest news of all~ Adam received the job for which he applied! :) Out of retail forever...no more Black Fridays, no more Saturday nights; full-time consistency for him and that makes us one happy little family.
stars of the show:
stray kitties that i give food to despite my husband telling me not to. he was at work at the time, so it wasn't a big deal. too bad the babies were begging to come in when he did come home, and i had to tell him why they were there. :\
happy birthday, everett! my sweet nephew everett turned one this past week, and we were able to celebrate his birthday earlier tonight. love this boy with all my heart<3
me & the hubs on a sunshine walk. it only lasted 5 minutes, but the vitamin d felt goooood (even if the air still did feel cold).
points of interest:
business cards. newly designed. ordered. and received. so pleased & i can't wait to give these puppies out!
squeeze pops. does anyone remember these? i found them at the peanut store when we were there earlier this week with friends, and they convinced me to buy one. pure corn syrup + sugar. surprisingly, still yummy. sort of.
turtle cake~ team baking sisters strike again! remember the bird cake from two weeks ago? this is our most recent creation for everett's birthday, and i am in love with this turtle. too bad he was completely eaten within 15 minutes by nine hungry kiddos.
*(Instagram is a free app for iPhones that features various filters that are easy-to-use and make posting to Twitter, Facebook, and ha, my blog, easy-peasy!)
Look out for some baby sessions this week. :) And as soon as we get some more snow, I'll have some very happy engaged couples and seniors: and I can't wait to put those on the blog!
...and hey! this week it'll be love month<3