Sunday, December 11, 2011

No Ifs, Ands, or BUTTS about it: Behind the Scenes.

I've been contemplating a behind the scenes post for quite some time. But I knew it had to be just the right post with just the right people. Weddings are high-stakes, seniors definitely don't want a funny shot on the blog, and engagement couples want to be caught mid-kiss~ not mid-"reapplying lipgloss." But families and children...oh, my land. Children are filled to the brim with emotions and aren't afraid of telling you (or showing you) exactly how they feel.

I've developed a specific cliental of seniors and weddings, but every once in a while, I'll get the opportunity to photograph children. And the end result is beautiful. Moments that mamas and daddies (and grandmas, grandpas, aunts, uncles) need to see. Smiles, giggles, that unique silly face that only their baby can do. The end results are just what they need. But the in between? That's where the magic happens.

With permission from my sweet sister, I'm showing you a behind the scenes look to our most recent session. This could be quite eye-opening to those who have never had children photographed (or photographed them yourselves)~ and for those who have? Well, I expect some heads nodding in agreement and some laughter.

Not everyone can be a child photographer, but those who do possess that specific talent are greatly appreciated in this market...and let me tell me, they'll bring loads of patience to your session. ;)


Just look at that mischievous face! ;)




Oops! Tag + tantrum!


Are we done yet? (his thoughts, not mine! ;) )


Too cool for smiles, Aunt Bren.



Baby loves the session too. :P




I don't have lots of tricks up my sleeves for photographing children (making a fool out of myself helps), but times like the above? Worth it. 100%

No Ifs, Ands, or BUTTS about it. ;)

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